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Week 9: Catching up on Blogs + Preparation for the 2022 FHS Symposium Event (10/15 --- 10/21)

As of the writing of this blog (11/12), similar to Week 6 I have not written a blog in almost a month. However, since that time I have produced SIX Knights Historycast episodes (episodes 21-26). Unlike like the last time, the main reason was not because of a storm, however, ironically, a storm does play into the fact that I was able to catch up on the blogs (sort of). It is difficult to write these blogs weekly, when in reality, I am not doing much for the "internship" itself, rather I am just working my you know what off. Therefore, like the previous two blogs, I will present the highlights of the work week (even though, again, technically that is not part of the internship, but if that's the case, there will be practically nothing written on the blog at the moment), and if there is any moment during the week that is specifically related to the internship, I will bold it.

Saturday, October 15th, 2022

  • Caught up on all the blogs (at that particular point in time) from Week 6 up until Week 8 and uploaded them on Webcourses.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Thursday, October 20th, 2022

  • Met Heather Gibson, who is the Director of Marketing and Communication at UCF for the first time (had been communicating with her and her staff throughout the week) to give me the rundown on the rules of using the studio for recording all future KHC podcast episodes.

  • Went to the studio, and was taught how to set up hardware and software for recording the pods there.

  • Started preparing what panels and what panelists I would want to interview for a special podcast 3-part episode event for the upcoming 2022 FHS Annual Symposium and Meeting Event. This prep included researching panelists before to get a sense of familiarity and creating some generic questions that can be applicable to most panelists regardless of subject (which then would be changed into questions that are more specific to their panel/research once I attended the actual event). The overall plan was:

Friday, October 21st, 2022

  • Attended Day 1 of the 2022 FHS Symposium Event and worked the whole event. Attended panels, took notes of panelists I would want to talk to, had quick reporter style questions with several panelists, connected and networked with several of those panelists (even some I did not get the chance to interview). It was an AWESOME time. Click the link that says "podcast episode featuring Day 1" to listen to the pod that highlights this day or click here.

See you on next week's blog!


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