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Week 12: Meeting Dr. Uekötter + Nicole Inconvenience (11/5 --- 11/11)

This week, I started to write the first draft of the proposal in getting these podcasts on the major podcast platforms, which was assigned to me as an internship task (see Week 8 blog). Other than that, the week went by as usual----working! As described in Week 9 blog, what is in bold is an internship--related task.

Monday, November 7th, 2022

  • Wrote the first draft of the one-page proposal to get both KHC and FHQ podcasts on major streaming platforms.

  • Attended the UCF History Faculty Talk Event featuring Dr. Frank Uekötter, a professor of Environmental Humanities at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. I did intense notetaking during this event, as this was the basis of the podcast I was going to upload for the week.

    • Before the event officially started, I formally met Dr. Uekötter and in that moment scheduled a time as to when we were going to record the podcast conversation the following day.

  • Later that night, I translated my notes into questions and talking points for the pod.

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

  • Conducted the Dr. Uekötter podcast interview.

  • Started the initial phase of post-production editing and revising for the podcast episode.

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Normally, as you can probably tell by now, I like uploading new episodes on Fridays, but since Nicole decided to plunge Florida this week, that was pushed earlier and the week in general was cut short. In next week's blog (Week 13), more internship--related tasks will be pointed out, such as catching up on these set of blogs (Week 9-12) and finishing my second and final rough draft of the one-page proposal and sending it to my supervisor. From this point forward, the blogs will start to get more dense with internship--related tasks, as the semester is approaching its end, and I still need to fulfill the main task of the internship which is finishing the guidebook. As I explained in the Week 8 blog, getting real--time experience will produce a better guidebook, and being on the other side of things, with at the moment having 8 episodes of KHC under my belt----all of which happened under their different and unique circumstance----this statement is certainly true, and I can't wait to share my experiences in the guidebook to ultimately push the boundaries of this important job position further to future students.


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