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Week 15: The Final Week (11/26 ---- 12/3)

Despite the dates in the parenthesis of the title, there were some developments that happened in the days prior to 11/26, however, did not get mentioned in a "Week 14" blog because of Thanksgiving break. Nevertheless, it is getting mentioned here and now.

On 11/16 (from Week 13), I attended the Florida France Soldiers Stories Project Panel Workshop, and met Dr. Lyons personally. We started the process of coordinating her team for a Knights Historycast episode in which I want to highlight this outstanding research project and team.

On Monday, 11/21, I got in contact (via email) with the entire research time and we settled on 12/7 as a tentative date to record the podcast. However, things on my end got more complicated as the number of people I was expecting to be on the pod literally doubled (from 5 to 10), and now I had to figure out if this was even feasible with the space available at the studio, while also ensuring that "mic bleed" is at a minimal (when other people's audio start to get picked up your mic because there is a lot of people in one room).

From this point forward, the blog will go as usual with the timeline of events in the week. Internship--related tasks will be in bold.

Monday, November 28th

  • Scheduled myself for the remainder of the fall semester. This included emailing individuals that I plan on having podcasts with. At this particular moment, the schedule was 3 Knights Historycast podcasts (1 confirmed on 12/7, and 2 tentative on 12/1 and 12/9), and 2 Florida Historical Quarterly Podcasts (2 tentative on 12/13 and 12/14)

Wednesday, November 30th

  • Confirmed the following podcasts:

    • 12/2 Knights Historycast pod with Jim Stoddard

    • 12/13 Florida Historical Quarterly pod with Dr. Martin T. Olliff

    • (the rest remain tentative as of this writing)

  • Went to Professor Gardiakos office hour for advice on how to handle the Florida France Soldiers Stories Project podcast, since he has been the one who has helped me since the beginning in terms of how to operate the recording studio and other podcast technicalities and logistics. He reinforced what I was already thinking in which it would be better to do the podcast in groups (so faculty, students, etc.) that way everyone fits comfortably in the studio, mic bleed can be prevented, and it can flow content-wise.

  • Attended the Veteran Knights Roundtable event hosted by the UCF History Department that served as the basis for the Jim Stoddard KHC pod (took notes which served as my questions and talking points for the pod).

  • Emailed Dr. Lyons the new format in which we will do the pod with her team.

  • Started working on the guidebook, specifically updating sections I already had written to what was accurate to the actual job experience (because remember up to this point, the guidebook was written based on broader podcasting experience with the FHS, which does overlap, but to a minimal extent).

  • Started creating my slideshow presentation for the Internship Showcase Event on Friday.

Thursday, December 1st

  • Continued to work on the guidebook, this time specifically removing sections altogether and adding new ones (e.g. added the recording studio at NSC and how to operate it as an entirely new subsection in "Locations to Record" chapter of the book).

  • Continued and finished my slideshow presentation (and guiding points I want to mention during my presentation) for the Internship Showcase Event the next day.

Friday, December 2nd

  • Conducted and recorded the Jim Stoddard KHC podcast episode (can't wait to edit and upload it!)

  • Ended up staying in the studio to give my presentation at the Internship Showcase Event, which was being held via Zoom at 11 am.

  • Wrote and posted Week 13 blog.

  • Uploaded the slideshow to Webcourses.

Saturday, December 3rd

  • Turned in the most updated version of the guidebook to my supervisor (along with the required evaluation form)

  • Wrote and posted this blog.

As I wrote in my farewell blog back in the summer, I am forever grateful to this internship program, and I strongly recommend any UCF history student to partake in it. I ended my presentation yesterday with a similar note, as I really do mean it, that if you maximize what the program offers the opportunities that arise from it are truly endless. If I had not done the internship program back in the summer, I don't think I'll land the podcast producer job, especially in the timely manner I did it in. If I had not continue with the program this semester, I would have wasted the lag time between getting the job request to getting hire, and more importantly, I would not have had the opportunity to write (and now continue to work on) the guidebook, something that I value as imperative to keep pushing the boundaries of this job position to new heights with any of the future students that get the honor of doing this job.

Thank you for reading the blogs I wrote this semester. I apologize that they were not as "flashy" and entertaining as the ones in the summer, I had one goal in mind throughout the entire semester, and that was to maximize my productivity with this job, and these blogs were one of the things that were at the expense of that goal. Like my last farewell, this probably won't be the end of blogs or this site. It might get a new life somewhere else, who knows. For now, I say goodbye and wish everyone a safe and happy holidays!

Please go check out BOTH Knights Historycast and The Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, as new episodes will continue to be uploaded as the semester ends and as the new year rolls around! Links are down below. Thank you.


The Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast:

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