Unlike the other blog posts I have done throughout this fall internship where I would present a detailed timeline of what I did during that week, in this blog post I will simply write in paragraph form, since there was not much progress that was made during this week, besides what the title of this blog indicates. Plus, most of the action this week came from a single day anyways (Saturday, November 12th).
First, I caught up on the blogs I had not done since Week 8, so I wrote in comprehensive details four blog posts on 11/12 to bring everything up to date at the point. Second, I continued to work on the final draft of the one-page proposal of getting both Knights Historycast and The Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast on the major streaming podcast platforms. I was pleased with how I wrote the pitch, and it met all the criteria that my supervisor had instructed me to do (being under one page, emphasizing the importance of expanding the podcast to those spaces while keeping it on S.T.A.R.S, and the cost of doing such action). After signing off on the proposal with my signature, I sent it to my supervisor for his review and approval to send it to the department chair and other people higher-up for their decision. As of the writing of this blog, I have still not received a word on my proposal. Fingers crossed.
As for everyone in academia, during this week and the subsequent ones that follow things started to intensify as the semester approaches its end. As a result, not only did the actual job had to be put on hold to satisfy those other commitments I had (classes, research, etc.), but the major and remaining internship--task left-----finishing the guidebook----also experienced this fate. In the next blog, I explain more thoroughly as to what I did to overcome this situation, and how it all came together during the final week of classes in the semester.