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Week 7: 1st Week of The Job (10/1 ---- 10/7)

Hello! This week I came out swinging because of my frenetic energy of finally having my dream goal of being the history podcast producer for my school come true, and also because of effectively preparing myself the week before during the hurricane (check out the previous blog for more information).

Saturday, 10/1/2022

  • Continued to plan out/schedule my week to reach the eventual goal of uploading my first ever Knights Historycast podcast episode on Friday, 10/7. My goal here on out is to have my episodes (whether for KHC or FHQ) to be uploaded and published every Fridays. I even planned ahead of this week to reach the eventual subsequent goal of publishing the interview I had with Dr. Noll for Florida Frontiers to Knights Historycast as my second official episode, as I believe (this what I told him to get his permission, as well as Dr. French) it is crucial that people listen to the full conversation I had with Dr. Noll because it was highly enriching, educational, and valuable.

  • Confirmed meeting with Dr. Lester about FHQ Podcast for Tuesday at 3:30 pm via email.

  • Confirmed Knights Historycast podcast interview with Dr. Bob Beatty for Thursday, October 27th at 2:00 pm and told him how I wanted to structure the interview to give him a heads-up (all this via email).

Sunday, 10/2/2022

  • Started to prepare my belongings to head back to UCF, as I was still back home because of the hurricane. I was awaiting for UCF's reopening timeline.

Monday, 10/3/2022

  • Commuted back to UCF

Tuesday, 10/4/2022

  • Informed Dr. French (via reply in a email he sent me the day before) that I would not be able to meet on 10/5 for our update meeting because that was the same day I was going to interview Holly for KHC podcast.

  • Had meeting with Dr. Lester, first time ever meeting her, to introduce ourselves and discuss expectations and early tasks to get FHQ Podcast back up and running. She assigned me 3 journal articles to read for the first 3 FHQ podcasts I will be doing.

  • Unexpectedly ran into Sira and Dr. French right after my meeting with Dr. Lester, which was HUGE, as we got to discuss in real-time how the Workday system works for both me and Dr. French (who is my supervisor in the system). This was crucial as I had emailed Sira the week before to discuss this new Workday system, and she still had not replied, but what ended up happening (this unexpected meet--up) was way better. I also got to schedule another time to meet with Dr. French in real time.

  • Started to relisten (I say relisten because I had listen to some of the KHC episodes WAY before I even knew this reality was possible) to all the KHC episodes that Holly was the interviewer of (she produced all 18) to get a feel for what questions I wanted to ask her for the interview.

  • Once I finished listening to all of the episodes she was the interviewer (8 of them), started to create my questions for the podcast interview. I emphasized even of the paper that I had my questions to bounce off her responses, as that is what makes KHC unique and great, it can be a more conversational podcast, which if done right in my opinion, enhances the quality of the podcast. I ended up creating 8 questions.

  • Clocked in all my time on the Workday system for today's hours and even the hours from previous days, as this was my first time inputting time on the system after the crucial unexpected bumping into of Sira and Dr. French from earlier in the day.

Wednesday, 10/5/2022

  • Drove to FHS library to record the podcast interview I had with Holly. It was a fantastic time! Amazing interview, it could not have gone better, honestly.

Thursday, 10/6/2022

  • All things post-production (editing and recording my intro and outro for the episode) was done on this day for the Holly Baker Knights Historycast episode.

Friday, 10/7/2022

  • Listened to the final product one more time before uploading it onto S.T.A.R.S. (UCF's database)

  • Ran into very frustrating problems while trying to upload the podcast episode on S.T.A.R.S (partly my fault because it being my first time using a system like this, partly the system's fault for not being that user-friendly).

  • Contacted people that are in charge of the database for help once I realized I could not fix the issue myself.


As far as first weeks go, I think this was a pretty successful week, and I attribute this to my feverish passion of finally realizing one of my biggest goals of my life----being a history podcast producer----and also because of my diligent and careful planning from the week before (and even the first day of this week) to set me up for successful of reaching my goal of uploading my first ever Knights Historycast episode on that Friday. Onto the next blog!


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