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Weeks 1 & 2: I'm Back!

I am back! These blogs will be much more concise and directly tailored to the progress in my training to officially become a podcast producer of Knights HistoryCast and The Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast, both run by the University of Central Florida.

As I mentioned in the Week 12 blog back in the summer, the farewell did not seem permanent, and the presence of this blog confirms that! I revamped the website, as my experiences in this history podcasting ecosystem expands. I created a distinct podcast section in the website that will have all the podcasts I have produced and will produced-----whether its for Florida Frontiers, Knights HistoryCast, or The Florida Historical Quarterly Podcast. Yeah, you're probably thinking what in the world are the two latter podcast projects. Well, you see, I never left. In my "time off" from the blogs and the website, I have been fairly busy, arguably as busy as I was during the summer internship. To give you a quick rundown of what I have done since Week 12 (8/5/2022) up to September 2nd (the end of Week 2 of this Fall semester):

  • *Produced another Florida Frontiers podcast segment with Dr. Steven Noll of the University of Florida (segment has not been officially published yet, potentially will be out this coming Friday)

*if you have kept up with my previous blogs in the summer, you should very well know how long this process can be, but from the time I formally emailed Dr. Noll for the interview, to reading the book that the podcast will be on, to formulating questions, conducting the interview (via Zoom this time), to editing the interview, to picking the best soundbites and making the script, to finally sending it to Jon, it took me 16 days (8/10 to 8/25). This being my second rodeo, and not being under the internship weekly structure, and also having no other commitments (because it really was my free time), allowed me to do this in such time period. However, I am confident that from now on I can do podcasts in that time period or under.

  • Kept in constant communication with Holly, not only because of me producing another segment for FHS, but also because she was the "middleman" of getting the process of me taking over Knights HistoryCast and FHQ Podcast between Dr. Scot French and I officially started. These included Zoom meetings on 8/16, 8/29, and 9/1. I also spoke to her at large when I went to Cocoa to record my narration for this second segment, on 8/24.

  • Begun speaking to Dr. French directly via email on 8/25, and that same day we had our first meeting via Zoom to discuss where the process was at in officially hiring me, and he suggested to take on this second "internship" where in reality it would be a training for the position. He outlined that the the training would consist of me

going through and contributing to an extensive literature of the history of podcasting as a field in history and medium in information and storytelling,

creating an official "How-To" Guidebook for both Knights HistoryCast and FHQ for myself and future students who would want to have this job, and

creating a "sample" (but official) Knights HistoryCast and FHQ podcast.

By the end of that meeting, I agreed with Dr. French that this internship/training is the best way to use our time as we wait for official word as to what exact date I will get hired. Plus, I think it's important that this job continues even after I am no longer at UCF, and that's what the guidebook would provide.

  • On 8/29, Dr. French shared with me a Podcast Resources document, where I would continue to add to an already existing list of resources that outline the literature of the history of podcasting in the history field.

  • On 9/1, had a Zoom meeting with Dr. French AND Holly for the first time, as we discussed all the matters mentioned above, so we can be on the same page. In this meeting, Holly was officially assigned as me internship mentor (since it was her that held these podcast positions prior to me being involved), with Dr. French being the internship supervisor. Also, in this meeting we had the idea to present this process and potentially have a live Knights HistoryCast, where my interviewee would be Holly at the FHS presentation event at UCF in October.

In next week's blog, I will discuss the updates and progress I made this past week. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the return of the blogs and the expanding website!


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