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Week 3: Slow Start, But Still Moving Forward

As the title of the blog states, this week was a bit slow for several reasons. Start of the semester hectic-ness, long Labor Day weekend (in which I was not in the country), and still trying to figure out how to tackle my tasks explicitly. I am not stating this to give me a pass as to why the process has been slow, because I won't tolerate excuses, rather just stating what has happened in this week 3 (9/3 - 9/11).

Nonetheless, the title also states that progress has been made. Here are such progressions:

  • Had a meeting with Holly yesterday at 10:30 am (9/10), explicitly discussing how to approach the "Big 3" tasks I have in this training. This approach consists of Holly sending me various materials via email, including sample scripts of both KHC and FHQ, sample music for the intro and conclusion of those podcasts, and several sources and materials that I should research on and include in the "History Podcasting -- Readings and Resources" Google Document. I am currently awaiting those materials.

  • Today, completely revamped my website that housed my previous blogs from the summer internship. This was a necessary revamped (that unexpectedly took some time because of Wix's not-so-user-friendly system when making big changes --- also does not help that I have little experience in website building) as I will continue to write weekly blog posts throughout the training phase of the KHC and FHQ podcast job. This revamped included, easier and friendlier access to my new blogs, while also accessing my old ones, a new podcast section, and aesthetically updating the website to fit where I am at in this history podcast journey.

  • Started looking at the several links posted in the Google Doc, however, not all of them.

The plans/objectives for this upcoming week:

  • continue to keep communicating with Dr. French and Holly (potentially another meeting of all 3 of us)

  • begin adding to the list of podcasting resources and readings

  • begin the Guidebook, and hopefully finishing it where I can, based on the experiences and training I have had so far (this is another topic I talked with Holly-----how with 2 podcasts under my belt and a whole summer of training and experience, I can begin the guidebook based on my experiences I have had thus far, and when the KHC and FHQ podcasting officially begin, tailor the book towards that. I told Holly that at the end of the day everything from finding a topic to conducting the interview should be fairly the same, and the post-production aspect is the one thing that can differ the most, depending on the medium the podcast will be published-----in my case two different mediums)

Thank you for reading! I will continue to move forward, and I am ecstatic for the experiences, opportunities, and challenges up ahead!


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